Maseno University Courses & Programmes Offered | Maseno University Entry Requirements

Courses & Programmes Offered Maseno University | Entry Requirements Maseno University


Courses & Programmes Offered Maseno University | Entry Requirements Maseno University

Courses & Programmes Offered Maseno University | Entry Requirements Maseno University The Maseno Courses & Programmes is obtained from the official Maseno website as approved by the University Senate and Commission for University Education (CUE), therefore this post is accurate.


Course &Programmes & Courses offered at Maseno

Undergraduate Studies Programmes

School of Agriculture & Food Security

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Horticulture
  • Animal Science
  • Agronomy
  • Soil Science
  • Aquatic Resources Conservation & Development
  • Fisheries & Aquaculture
  • Agricultural Education & Extension
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Agricultural Economics

School of Arts & Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts in:

  • French
  • Psychology
  • Sociology & Anthropology
  • Communication & Media Technology
  • Drama & Theatre Studies
  • Interior Design
  • Music
  • Criminology
  • Theology
  • Religion
  • Textile, Apparel Design & Fashion Merchandising
  • Bachelor of Arts, with a combination of any two of the following:
  • Religion
  • Philosophy
  • Theology
  •  English
  • Literature
  • Kiswahili History
  • French
  • Music
  • Archeology

School of Physical & Biological Sciences

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Ecotourism, Hotel & Institutional Management

School of Business & Economics (SBE)

Bachelor of Business Administration

(with 7 specializations at years 3 & 4)

Bachelor of Arts in:

  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Business Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management

School of Computing & Informatics

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Information Comunications and Technology Management
  • Computer Technology

School of Development & Strategic Studies

Bachelor of Arts in:

  • International Relations and Diplomacy
  • Political Science
  • Development Studies

School of Education

Bachelor of Education in:

  • Science
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Primary Education
  • Special Needs Education

School of Environment & Earth Sciences

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Environmental Science
  • Earth Science
  • Geography & Natural Resource Management
  • Climate Change & Development

School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Actuarial Science
  • Applied Statistics
  • Mathematics & Business Studies
  • Mathematics & Computer Science
  • Mathematics & Economics
  • Mathematical Sciences

School of Planning & Architecture

  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Disaster Management
  • Geospatial Information Science

School of Public Health & Community Development

Bachelor of Science in:

  • Public Health
  • Nutrition & Health
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences,

Bachelor of Arts in:

  • Gender Studies

Graduate Programmes

School of Agriculture & Food Security

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Horticulture
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Animal Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agronomy
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Soil Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Fisheries & Aquaculture
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agribusiness Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Economics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Extension

School of Arts & Social Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Anthropology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Communication & Media Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Design
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Ethnomusicology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in French
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Kiswahili
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Linguistics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Literature
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Music Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Music Performance
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) inPhilosophy
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Religion
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theory & Composition

School of Physical & Biological Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Hospitality Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Tourism Management

School of Business & Economics (SBE)

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Strategic Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Marketing
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Entrepreneurship & Development
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Human Resource Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Accounting
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Finance
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Procurement & Supply Chain
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management Information Systems

School of Computing & Informatics

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Systems

Apply for These Also

Full Funded scholarship for international scholarship.

School of Education

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Curriculum Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogy Educational Administration
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Psychology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Guidance & Counselling
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Planning & Economics of Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Special Needs Education.

School of Environment & Earth Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Science

School of Mathematics, Statistics & Acturial Science

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pure Mathematics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Mathematics & Applied Statistics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Actuarial Science

School of Planning & Architecture

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Planning

School of Public Health & Community Development

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biomedical Science and Technology

(options: Medical Cytology & Histology, Medical Haematology, Clinical Chemistry, Medical Parasitology, Medical Entomology & Vector Science, Medical Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Biotechnology, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Forensic Biology & Biometrics, Medical Physiology, Pharmaceutical Science)

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Health
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Nutrition & Development

Institute of Gender Studies

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Gender & Development
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Gender & Public Policy

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