Names Call for Interview Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) PDF Download – www.ports.go.tzThis Article will Guide you to check,Download and Print Names called to attend Job Interview Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) If you were Applied for Ajira Mamlaka ya Bandari This Article is Accuracy for you.

TPA Overview

The Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) was established by the Ports Act No. 17 of 2004 as landlord port authority. It operates a system of ports serving the Tanzania hinterland and the landlocked countries of Malawi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda.

TPA currently performs the role of both a Landlord and Operator with the main functions of promoting the use, development and management of ports and their hinterlands, entering into contracts for the purpose of delegating the powers of the Authority (through licensing and concessioning ports services).

TPA administers a diverse system of Tanzania’s Mainland sea and inland water ways (Lake Ports). The major sea ports are Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Mtwara while smaller sea ports are Kilwa, Lindi, Mafia, Pangani and Bagamoyo. The lake ports under TPA mandate are: on Lake Victoria include Mwanza North and South Ports, Nansio, Kemondo Bay, Bukoba and Musoma: on Lake Tanganyika, are Kigoma and Kasanga: and on Lake Nyasa are Itungi Port, Kiwira, Manda Liuli and Mbamba Bay.


  • To establish and coordinate system of Harbours.
  • To provide facilities relating to Harbours and provide harbour services.
  • With the approval of the Minister, to construct and operate new Harbours.
  • To construct, operate and maintain beacons and other navigational aids.
  • To carry on the business of stevedore, wharf age or lighter man.
  • To act as a warehouseman to store goods, whether or not the goods have been or are to be, handled as cargo or carried by the Authority.
  • To consign goods on behalf of the other persons to any place either within or outside the United Republic.
  • With the approval of the Minister, to act as carriers of goods or passengers by land or sea.
  • To provide amenities or facilities that the Authority considers necessary or desirable for persons making use of the facilities or services.

Our Mission

To Develop and manage ports that provide world class Maritime Services and promote excelling total logistics services in Eastern Central and Southern Africa.

Our Vision

To lead the regional maritime trade and logistics services to excellence.

Value Statement

A Stable Systematic Caring Organization.