JIUNGE NASI WHATSAPP TU FOLLOW. BONYEZA HAPA Job Opportunity at HelpAge International-Consultancy February 2021
Consultancy Service to conduct Feasibility study in Kigoma
Job Opportunity at HelpAge International-Consultancy February 2021HelpAge International Tanzania Is developing a project which, If apÂproved, will be funded by the German Federal Ministry for EconomÂic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under the special Initiative “SIF”- SI Flucht. The project title Is “Safe Environment for Persons with Specific Needs In Refugee and Host Community In Tanzania” .
The project will be Implemented In Kigoma, Northwestern TanzaÂnia through a locally registered non-for-profit organization with a strong expertise In Environment namely Relief Development SociÂety (REDESO).
Objective of the Feasibility study Is to Provide HelpAge Tanzania with well-founded basis for the further development of the project proposal, In which the prerequisites, opportunities and risks have all been clarified and Provide sufficient Information to Justify accepÂtance, modification, or rejection of the anticipated project.
Submission of proposal
Detailed Terms of Reference for this assignment can be obÂtained upon request to omary ghelpage.org
Interested Consultant and firms should submit Technical proÂposal and financial proposal separately addressed to slmonghelpage.org and copy [email protected]
The deadline for submission of the proposals Is 18th February 2021
Consultancy Service to conduct Feasibility study in Kigoma
Job Opportunity at HelpAge International-Consultancy February 2021HelpAge International Tanzania Is developing a project which, If apÂproved, will be funded by the German Federal Ministry for EconomÂic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under the special Initiative “SIF”- SI Flucht. The project title Is “Safe Environment for Persons with Specific Needs In Refugee and Host Community In Tanzania” .
The project will be Implemented In Kigoma, Northwestern TanzaÂnia through a locally registered non-for-profit organization with a strong expertise In Environment namely Relief Development SociÂety (REDESO).
Objective of the Feasibility study Is to Provide HelpAge Tanzania with well-founded basis for the further development of the project proposal, In which the prerequisites, opportunities and risks have all been clarified and Provide sufficient Information to Justify accepÂtance, modification, or rejection of the anticipated project.
Submission of proposal
Detailed Terms of Reference for this assignment can be obÂtained upon request to omary ghelpage.org
Interested Consultant and firms should submit Technical proÂposal and financial proposal separately addressed to slmonghelpage.org and copy [email protected]
The deadline for submission of the proposals Is 18th February 2021
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